Monday, August 3, 2009

Be a Blessing to someone today - Monday!!

What a great way to start a new day and week! I must say that I have had many church, friends and my mom step in a huge way to help me out during this time. Thank you so much and so I hope that I will find a few ways to bless someone(s) today. I love going out and finding ways to show God's love and kindness. Here is what I read today on and would like to share his message with you.

Be a Blessing to Someone Today

Today´s Scripture:
"A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed"
(Proverbs 11:25, NIV).

Today´s Word:
Do you need strength and encouragement to make it through a difficult time? Maybe you´ve been through a big disappointment or going through a situation right now that´s just not really fair. I challenge you today, don´t sit around feeling sorry for yourself or allow that circumstance to overwhelm you. One of the best things you can do is to go help somebody else in need.
The Bible tells us, "God turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends." Isn´t it interesting, Job didn´t see breakthrough by sitting around feeling sorry for himself. He didn´t get healed when he prayed for himself. And we should pray for ourselves and present our requests to God, but if you really want to see things change, go out and be a blessing to someone else. Look for ways to refresh the people around you and watch how your own soul becomes refreshed in return. As you give, it will be given back to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over in every area of your life!

Prayer for Today
"Father in heaven, thank You for Your Word which is life to my soul. Show me ways I can be a blessing to others, help me refresh those around me today. Thank You for refreshing me by Your Spirit. In Jesus´ Name. Amen."

I hope you have the best day ever and remember to hug your kids and let your family and friends know you love them today.


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