Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 8 - the gift of giving challenge

What another beautiful day, this week is going to be awesome, full of great temps and sunshine!!! Oh how I wish it would stay like this for a few top it all off, our photo shoot of my girls and niece turned out fab-u-lous yesterday.

So today, the 8th day of this challenge, I intentionally made time to RAK some friends at some fast food establishments and my dd's teachers....just love the feeling of making someone else's day and making them feel special or maybe thinking that anyway because I know that is how I would feel. I did some baking and delivering and could do that everyday, seriously I am always shocked at feeling like I could be a SAHM. If you would have asked me that 10 years ago I would have said no way jose....but ask me today and I am all over that and then some.

Now let me ask, were you able to find time today to give the gift? I hope so. I am curious, what is the best RAK you have ever received and given and why? I will think about this and come back tomorrow with my response.

Now on to the creative side of me or my life. Have i already mentioned that I made or was asked to be on a DT? I got my new kit from tonight and may I say, love it and it will go so well with all of my 400 pics I had printed today? And have I mentioned how excited I am to start playing and scrapping has been way to long.

Have a wonderful tuesday. I will be posting my thankful list tomorrow as I love to do each Tuesday. I have so much to be grateful for and love this place on my journey. I feel so blessed to be loved as much as I do by our heavenly Father. If you want to feel this way, it is so simple. All you have to is ask Jesus to be your savior and confess your sins. It is that easy. If you do this please let me know so I can celebrate with you. What a beautiful way to give yourself the gift of eternal life!!

Love and hugs,

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