Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23 ~ Sick Child

I am sad to say that I think my lil angel may have the flu...darn it!  We just got her flu mist 9 days ago so I guess we missed the window.  The good thing is if she stays asleep she will get 12 hours which she so needs and I am off to join her as soon as I prepare for work tomorrow and also get Demi ready for school just in case.  She wasn't running a fever either so that is a good sign. 

I am also sad at how the weekend turned out.  So many emotions and lots to do with noone to really talk to...made me look at my life and how I have invested all of my time and energy into my family and when I really needed them, they were no where to be found.  Made me realize that I am going to open myself up for a move and look outside this area for a teaching position.  I have limited myself because I wanted to keep Demi by them but I am not going to be so close minded anymore.  Praying the Lord will show me where and what soon.

Go JETS....this is for my NY family....hoping they can pull it off in the next few minutes.  If not it has been a great game.  I thoroughly enjoyed my fantasy football league this year too with all my lady and scrapbooking friends all over the US.  I took 3rd place and did win some money.  Even if I didn't it is something that I enjoy so much.

So I hope that someone RAKs you tomorrow and that you in return find the time to make someone else's day better just because you could.

Happy Monday,
Diana with lots of xoxoxoxoxo

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