Sunday, January 9, 2011

Photos of "Lil Miss"

It brings me so much JOY to watch both of these super cute girls and best friends together.  They get along so well and have certainly made up for the year Alyssa was gone in KY   I don't even want to think about her leaving again yet.

Here are just a few of D&A doing their thing and always making the most of every minute!!

Sorry the pictures are turned, I can't figure out why my camera started to do this?  Anyway the first 2 are of them together and this last one is of Demi going to an all boy birthday party at Laser Tag.  As I was taking this I was thinking about how grown up she is becoming and how proud of her I am for who she is today.

Be back shortly with the prompt for Day 9 of giving the gift of..................  What can you give today?


1 comment:

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

There's no photos...but I am glad they had fun! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)