Sunday, August 19, 2012

Work Love Pray and Online Assessments

As I am reading this book with pracitcal wisdom written for young christian women, I am humoring myself with the young and enjoying the book.  I often have to remind myself that I am 49.  Lol

Over the last 2 years, I have been trying to figure out what I really want to do with the rest of my life whether that be 2 years or 20 years or 40.

Today I took this online assessment and this assessment if based on answers I submitted  to 16 parts where I rated 4 words in the order that they described me from Most to Least.  Here are those results:

I would have to say that this totally described who I am and what I love....My Personality Type is:  NETWORKER.

I would love to get your honest opinions on this assessment as well as the career you could see me doing passionately daily. 

My word for 2012 is VISION and or DREAM.  But over the last 12 years I have forgotten how to do that and fogot how important it is to keep those dreams with goals in front of me daily.  With the onset of motherhood, a business, home, church, family, and financial responsibilites I started surviving instead of THRIVING.  I know I am not alone but I am at the point where I want to do something meaningful with my life and DOER which serves and loves.  I want to look forward to getting up everyday with JOY in my heart while living our my PURPOSE that God has for me in this next season.  I am looking forward to today, the NOW and what is to come.  I can't change the past but I can make a CHOICE to love forward with that love for life again with JOY in my HEART.  Wanna join me?

I also started the ThinkTQ assessment yesterday so that I can live a life of Success On Purpose while achieving my new dreams.  It will help me determine the VISIONS and DREAMS just waiting to be written out with a PLAN.  God has placed some incredible tools in m hands and amazing people to bring me here this weekend.

In closing, my daughter in church today told her group of 7th graders and their moms that I was her HERO?  Me, HERO?  I a humbled and give all the glory to God for equipping me to be that person she can talk to about anything while loving and training her in the ways of the Lord.  Our village has been so supportive and loving and I am blessed and so thankful everyday that God has loaned her to me here on earth to love her so that she can love others as God has loved us.

Have a great week and remember to be the sunshine those you encounter.  You may be the only sunshine they see all day or week  for that matter.   It is always good to leave someone or some place better than you found it.  Thankful for the gift of life, this life today and all that it has brought with faith, family, and friends today!!!


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