Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wanting to Interview and Share some stories of friends that have overcome life's challenges ~..

I know there are many that have had some life altering circumstances in their lives.  My question today is would you be willing to share your story with the help of helping someone else today. I often think that if we only shared the ugly circumstances we have experienced that we might be able to change one life today.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we could change the direction of someone's path along their journey that it would be well worth the words we share daily.

Why put yourself out there?  There are many reasons but it means so much to me that everyone knows they are loved and they matter, that He created them and that even when they can't see it or believe it about themselves, that He loves them no matter what!  I want all children to know that no matter where they come from and what their life is today, that with God all things are possible.  I love this verse and know this firsthand.

There is possibly an opportunity to share these with a publication in the future.  I am happy to share more if you message me and I hope that you will feel passionate about making a difference and giving life back to others by being the YOU He created you to be TODAY.

Thanks in advance for stopping by today, I appreciate every visitor and love that you come by when you do.

With gratitude,

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